22 Oktober 2012


Knowledge is power. This is a true statement, whether the power which knowledge gives be used for good purpose or evil. Due to this knowledge, the leader may rule the people to gain their goal. Because of his knowledge the soldier may kill and finally subdue the enemy. And definitely, because of knowledge human being can make every possible live.
For example in the world of medicine, the doctor can cure disease and save his patient’s life. And the blackmailers, by his knowledge of some guilty secret can bleed his victim under the threat of disclosure. In this way the educated classes have always been able to rule over this ignorant.
During the middle ages  in europe, the only educated men were the priests. Great barons, brave knights, kings and ruling princes very often could not even read and write. Kings had to appoint priests as their minister. Unless the king was a man of very strong character, the power, nominally was in the hands of learned and clever priests. The soldier, the man of sword, thought he was the master but was really in the hands of the priests, the man of pen, and finally it may be said that pen was migthier than the sword.
In the same way, and for the same reason, civilized nations can dominate ignorant savage races. A handful of europeans in africa can control milions of african natives. It is their superior knowledge, weapons, organizations and character, that give the white races a power over these races who are physically equal.
In europe and america today, education is so wodespried, even working classes are educated people. As they have advanced in knowledge, the common people have advanced in power. So in the great democracies, the people now rule themselves, and are no longer under the domination of priests and kings.
Physically, man is a comparatively weak animal. He cannot naturally run like the horse, nor fly likes the birds. He is no match in strength for the elephant, the lion or bear. He has not naturally weapons of defense like the tiger’s fangs and claws. Yet he conquers all these strong and fierce beasts. The knowledge and intelligence that make him master of the creatures in this world.

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